A couple of years ago, my wife decided to take up playing the celtic harp. After she had taken a good number of lessons and had tried out a few rental harps from her instructor, we decided it was time for her to have a harp of her own. A bit of research turned up someone who made harps to order at a reasonable price that lived near us. The only downside was that he really hated to sand and finish them! Still, no problem, because that's something I enjoy doing anyways. So, after picking out woods (Purpleheart and Ash) and waiting about 3 months, we finally got the call that the harp was done! Well, almost.
What we actually got was an assembled, but unsanded, unfinished and unstrung harp body. Now the fun began. I started sanding and rounding and bevelling surfaces and corners, and as the project progressed, I started thinking about it more. I decided that there was no reason that it should be just another "plain-jane" sort of harp when I had an opportunity to do something more with it!
I spent a while just looking at it and walking around it, and eventually an idea began to take shape. I began to see a dragon wrapping itself around the harp, a mythical and magical creature of the air! Some research found me examples that I was able to use for reference, and then the fun began! I spent the next month or so carving the form of the body into the bow and carefully working the finish into the wood. Then I gilded the wings, and set to work inlaying the semi-precious stones that the dragon guarded jealously!
Some successful bids on eBay brought me the faceted gem-grade spessarite garnets that were inset as her eyes, and an assortment of other stones; carnelian and andean opal, labradorite, amethyst, tiger-eye, malachite and others.
Finally came the job setting the tuning pegs and stringing it up! That took nearly a whole day by itself, but when it was done, she at last had her voice! It was deep, full and resonant, and has only improved over time as the soundboard and strings have settled into place.
(click images for closer view)Right profile view
Dragon eye detail
Wing detail
Tail detail
Left profile view
all images ©2007 J. Nichols